Keygen Mplab Xc16 Compiler | Checked
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The 16-bit language tools consist of a compiler (xc16-gcc.exe), an assembler (xc16-as.exe), a linker (xc16-ld.exe), and an archiver/ librarian (xc16-ar.exe). Additional tools distributed with this release include a binary to Intel Hex converter (xc16-bin2hex.exe) and a command-line simulator (sim30.exe).
As described in the user's guides, all of the language tools are sensitive to case on the command-line, including the case of file names. In particular, the C compiler shell (xc16-gcc) requires that C source files be named on the command-line with a lower-case .c extension. If an upper-case .C filename extension is used, the compiler assumes that the file is a C++ file, which is not supported. 2b1af7f3a8